website redesign

Are you unhappy with your current website? Have changes to make but aren’t sure how or where? Frustrated with disappearing web designers?

A growing number of our clients come to us for website redesign; they already have a website, but it’s not particularly pretty, functional, or they just need someone to maintain it.

These are some of our favorite projects because we care about more than design; we exist to help you build a better business. Since client contact often begins at your website, it’s a great opportunity to begin developing repeatable processes (a weak area for many small businesses). See this project for an example of how your website can make your life easier.


Click and drag the slider to see before and after the redesign of

headshot of Jessica Roark

"I cannot sing enough praises for Sarah and her amazing set of skills and dedication to her clients. I have relied on her entirely for my website management and now use her to help set up and manage my client management system. Sarah is the best money I spend on my business. I would recommend her to any business owner."

Jessica Roark

what makes cyclone press different?

  • We’re committed to a long term relationship with our clients.
  • We actually enjoy tech training.
  • We don’t disappear when your site is done, and we want to hear from you regularly.
  • Tech support and customer service are a huge part of what we do—by choice.

This sets us apart from freelancers who don’t offer (or even discuss) website maintenance. We work with startups and small businesses, so we’re significantly more affordable than an agency. And we’ll provide the personalized attention to detail and branding knowledge of a full time employee, but without the salary.

website redesign by cyclone press

Click the photos below to see before/after screenshots and read case studies on how we solved these client's messaging and technical challenges.

Ready to get started? Submit the form below and we’ll put together a free website assessment. Learn more about our Website Assessment here.

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let’s build a better website.

Book 15 minutes with Sarah Schumacher to get tech questions answered and find clarity on the next steps for your business.